리버스 조명 시리즈
CLIENT. Raemian
︎ Product Design
︎ User Experience Design
︎ User Experience Design

OVERVIEW. 삼성 래미안 플랫 쉐이드 시리즈는 주거용 건축화 조명 (공간에서 조명기구의 건축과 일체화된 조명)으로 역할을 할 수 있도록 디자인 되었습니다. 개방된 공간에 빛이 자연스럽게 퍼질 수 있게 넓은 각도와 낮은 형태로 설계된 새로운 디자인은 평면에 가까운 조명 베젤을 사용합니다. 기능적으로 발열판 등의 내부 구조를 감추면서 동시에 조형적으로 얇아 보이는 디자인은 아파트 실내공간의 층고를 시각적으로 높아 보이게 합니다.
The REVERSE Ceiling Light System is designed to serve as a residential architectural ceiling light - a light fixture that is integrated with the structure of the building. The light is designed to be thin with a bezel that is slightly curved with wide angles. It allows light to inherently and beautifully spread throughout the room. The functional design conceals the internal structure of the heating plate, accentuating the slender structure while making the space it’s in appear lofty
The REVERSE Ceiling Light System is designed to serve as a residential architectural ceiling light - a light fixture that is integrated with the structure of the building. The light is designed to be thin with a bezel that is slightly curved with wide angles. It allows light to inherently and beautifully spread throughout the room. The functional design conceals the internal structure of the heating plate, accentuating the slender structure while making the space it’s in appear lofty

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베리준오 디자인센터
VJO Design Center
Seoul, South Korea
서울 중구 중림로7길 4, 2층
+82 2 312 0280
+82 2 312 0281 (Fax)
베리준오 브랜드아키텍처
VJO Brand Architecture
베리준오 제주 아뜰리에
VJO Jeju Atelier
Jeju, South Korea
Design in Progress
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